A positive relationship exists between sensitivity to rhythm and progress in reading.
When a child dials their pace of reading up or down to reflect the degree that they are assimilating meaning from the text, their nuanced and flexible response is a strong indicator that their reading fluency and comprehension are in alignment.
How importance are ‘executive functions’ for fluency in the early stages of learning to read? Although the development of phonemic awareness is the main focus of the teaching of early reading, factors such as control of impulses are also key.
When a child reads with sensitivity to rhythmic cues and grammar of a phrase or sentence, the unmistakable 'songlike' qualities of speech (also known as prosody) come to life in children’s voices as they read with ease, fluency and understanding.
“It’s only an hour that they have with your over the time that you come in over the six weeks and for it to be able to make, for a lot of them, up to a year’s difference in their reading ability is quite amazing really.”
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